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About Him

Ruslan Vitaliyevich Barabash is a forensic economic expert with many years of experience. Over the years of his activity he made about 2,000 conclusions and helped a huge number of Clients to win difficult cases due to his efforts to defend the legitimate rights of his Clients.

Since 2001, Ruslan Vitaliyevich Barabash worked his way up from an independent certified forensic expert in forensic economic examination, starting his career at the Kyiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. He is a co-author of scientific works that were carried out by order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine; he also systematically improves his qualifications and introduces improved methods of examination and new ways of analyzing the objects of research.


The principle of his work is based on his reliable business reputation in the circles of business entities, as well as the relevant investigating authorities.


R.V. Barabash

Forensic economic examination and an expert economic research

Ruslan Vitaliyevich Barabash believes that his mission is to help all who need it, defining the truth and protecting legitimate interests by that.


In modern market conditions, business often becomes a hostage to circumstances leading to litigation. Administrative disputes with regulatory authorities, conflicts with counterparties, financial damage, abuses leading to criminal responsibility and many other issues like that can be the reason for legal proceedings.

In such situations, the best protection method is considered to be a forensic economic examination and an expert economic research conducted by a qualified specialist.



R.V. Barabash can help in the following situations:

of an enterprise or organization; to determine lost profit; to check justification of the acts issued by tax authorities;
to identify signs of causing to become bankrupt, etc., applying the method of studying the relevant documents, such as: accounting, tax accounting and reporting, economic activity of enterprises;
(including the following cases: credit and deposit disputes; compliance of the banks with the relevant standards of deductions to the insurance reserve);



to speak before the court or at meetings to clarify expert conclusions, as well as to provide a base of evidence and research data;

when it’s required to identify shortages, thefts of financial and material values, including also the situations when it’s needed to identify an abuse of officials and to develop certain proposals to combat violators;


by the order of court or regulatory authorities, or upon the appeal of participants (or their representatives) of court cases;

pursuant to the applications submitted by individuals or legal entities;




in many other economy related situations.

The cost of services is determined individually after the analysis of the relevant documents.

Principles of work

Professionalism, because even in a tight deadlines R.V. Barabash will conduct a careful analysis by studying objectively all the details and based on current legislation he will make an independent, competent and complete conclusion.

Competence is confirmed by many years of the relevant experience, as well as by various certificates and diplomas, and most importantly, it is confirmed by positive feedbacks from his Clients.

Confidentiality, as one of the main principles of his work is considered to be privacy and non-disclosure, since the trust of his Clients is very much appreciated, being at the same time a guarantee of quality task fulfillment.

Individual approach, as all cases are different and require personal study for finding the most effective solution.

Responsibility, since the expert is criminally responsible for making knowingly false conclusion.

Principles of work

Our advantages over other expert companies

- we are the subject of forensic expertise activity;

- we have an extensive work experience, professionalism, also have a significant experience in making forensic economic examinations (which our Clients often call as forensic accounting, financial and economic, financial and credit expertise).

He can offer the possibility of appearing before the court.

- we provide quick consideration and handling of our Client’s applications. Due to the fact that the time of the examination is crucial for Clients, clearly understanding this, Ruslan Vitaliyevich makes every effort to carry out research in the shortest possible time.

- we quote the most competitive prices while providing the high level of services provided.

- we provide objectivity and responsibility for the result. The fundamental professional duty of an expert is an independent attitude, as well as a legal obligation to the assigned task.


The conclusion of a professional can be the main argument for the court to make a decision, that’s why it is so much important to deal with a highly qualified specialist.

Ruslan Vitaliyevich Barabash for sure is an Expert in his business!

He will be happy to provide the necessary assistance in solving Your issues.


Location: 2/6 Igorivska Str., office №34, Kyiv.

(Directions: 100 m from the exit from the subway "Poshtova Square").

Email: expert@rvbarabash.сom
Phone:  +38 (097) 212-87-95

Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00, Sat-Sun - weekends

Please leave Your contact details and we will contact You shortly.

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R.V. Barabash

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Судово-економічна експертиза від Р. В. Барабаша

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